"And I heard the voice of the Lord, saying, Whom shall I send, and who will go for us? Then I said, Here am I; send me." -Isaiah 6:8

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Balance for the Girls

From the 1800’s to the current time in the 2000’s there have been many changes in regards to girls. Some things have stayed the same in what we expect from all little girls. In today’s society girls are expected to grow up into great women. We expect the girls to be well behaved, have a balanced life, and be happy. The video shows us how the girls in our society today are working to deal with maintaining the balance they need to in their life. Girls today will tend to balance school, sports, social life, relationships, and much more.

In Cummins’s The Lamplighter we see how Gerty would like to have the proper balance in life. Back in this time girls were expected to balance a different set of things. Gerty is expected to be well dressed, act properly, and etc. “’Mrs. Sullivan dressed me all up, and brushed my hair,’” (Page 105) shows how important it was after she got to go home with True to be shown how to be an actual woman since Nan Grant didn’t do it. Gerty had a much rougher upbringing than what one would guess Anna in the video had. Basically our views on girls are basically the same it is just the things they are dealing with are a little different.

If Gerty were on the show I think they would have talked about how she lived with Nan Grant and how terrible the woman was for keeping her around because “she did not care to excited inquiries by trying to dispose of her elsewhere" (Page 81). I think that they would talk about how rough it was especially when Nan Grant basically fried her only friend. Instead of talking to her like she was on the same level and more mature I bet that Amy Pholer would talk down to Gerty just simply because of all that she had gone through. I think that Amy Pholer would not be asking for advice or help, but to help her by giving her any help she thinks she needs. I think that she would again help show that the girls are expected to do the similar things as many years ago, just have different obstacles to handle.


  1. I like the comparisons you drew from both the text and the video clip. I agree that Anna and Gerty's upbringings where both completely different. Gerty I agree had a much harder upbringing then Anna and that is probably because she never had real parental figures early in her childhood. Overall good response.

  2. I like where you compared both of Gerty's living situations. Both definitely effected how she turned out in the end.

  3. I like the comparison that you developed from the different time periods. I like how you said that girls back than were expected to balance a different set of things. I also like your ideas of what you think Gerty would have said if she was on the show. Overall it was a very good posting.
